Where you will feel like family
Where you will feel like family
Rev. Matt McLaughlin-Senior Pastor
Pastor Matt and his wife Leslie are native Marylanders. They have been married 14 years and have 2 wonderful daughters. Leslie is a Licensed Professional Counselor and has a practice in Crofton. Matt has a degree in Biblical Studies from Lancaster Bible College in Pennsylvania and has worked for FBC Crofton for the past 7 years.
Walt Lindberg-Music Minister
Walt and his wife, Amy, have been involved in music ministry in various capacities for over 15 years; they began leading the contemporary worship team at First Baptist in January of 2015. Walt is an elementary band and orchestra director in Anne Arundel County Public Schools. He is a National Board Certified Teacher, with degrees in Music Education from Peabody Conservatory and Millersville University. The Lindbergs have written and recorded their own music, and enjoy a rambunctious household with their children Daniel and Karen.
Julie Carr-Youth Ministries Director
Julie and her husband, Garrett, are an active duty Army family, along with their daughter Kayla, who is in high school and son, Gavin who is in middle school. They have lived in Crofton and have been members of FBCC since 2013. That same year, Julie and Garrett felt a strong pull to join the youth ministry as volunteers and Julie has been the youth ministry director since November 2017.
Megan McHale-Pre-School Ministry Coordinator
Rene Wheeler-Office Manager
Ginny Perry-AWANA Commander and Audio Visual Director